(561) 318-3288‬ dan@closewithD.com

When you look up some of the top selling condos in Palm Beach, you might find that a lot of them are in rich neighborhoods, and allow access to hi-tech amenities, outdoor areas, enclosed parking lots and much more. If you want to sell your condo for a good price, however, actually having a condo that is new and luxurious might not matter as much as you’d think.

What does matter, however, is hiring a resourceful real estate broker, who can not only promote your home but also help you negotiate a good price and complete the deal in record time.

The Palm Beach condo listing benefits associated with a dependable broker are extensive. You’ll find that they can normally help you:

  1. Figure out how to get started and what to focus on before even putting your condo up for sale;
  2. What to focus on promoting in order to ensure that wealthy and interested buyers far and wide start paying attention;
  3. How to go about negotiating and knowing which offers to accept or reject at any given time.

You won’t find many realtors who can provide you with better support regarding all these issues than Dan Donahue at CloseWithD. Dan is in touch with the local market, and he knows a lot about Palm Beach real estate. He also attends the most distinguished real estate events and the best local business events, and he knows the latest solutions for listing, promoting and selling a condominium at the best possible price.

If you’re interested in selling at a good price, and don’t want your condo to stay on the market for too long, stick with Dan at CWD, and use the best listing and marketing service in the Palm Beach area. You’ll be competing with the top selling condos in Palm Beach, and your property will still come out on top!


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